Reveal Youthful, Glowing Skin with a Chemical Peel
With a chemical peel, Dr. Craig Foster can rejuvenate your skin, giving it a more even tone and diminishing lines and wrinkles. To remove lackluster, dead skin cells from the face, hands, or neck, the treatment uses a safe chemical formula. Once this solution is smoothed over the skin, the outermost layer of cells peel off. To schedule a consultation and learn how you can benefit from a chemical peel, contact our Manhattan, NYC, plastic surgery center today.

Candidates and Considerations
With results similar to microdermabrasion, a chemical peel can reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, lighten scars, and improve darkly pigmented areas including freckles, age spots, and skin discoloration due to hormone changes. In addition, a chemical peel may be used to treat acne, in some cases. Dr. Foster will evaluate your skin and concerns to determine the best strength for your treatment. While some patients require only a surface treatment, others will need a deeper peel to achieve optimal results.
For a week prior to treatment, patients should not use depilatory cream or have laser hair removal or waxing done in the treatment area. Patients who have recently undergone chemo or radiation therapy, have open cold sores or sunburn on the treatment area, or those who are allergic to aspirin or have used isotretinoin products in the past year should not undergo a chemical peel. Furthermore, pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with an autoimmune disease or impaired immune system, and those with vitiligo should not undergo a chemical peel.
Note that sagging skin, deep creases, and more severe wrinkles do not respond to a chemical peel’s topical effects. These issues can be treated with alternative means, and Dr. Foster will be happy to talk with you about your options.
What to Expect During the Procedure
After cleansing the treatment area, we will apply a chemical solution, or a series of chemicals to specific areas. A highly controlled sunburn-like effect will occur. Some chemical peels are removed after three to five minutes on the skin. Others have a built-in neutralizer and are left in place for up to four hours. The skin will naturally respond to the chemicals by sloughing off the top layer. Generally, skin starts peeling in two to three days after treatment and continues to peel for three to seven days. As a result, the skin is resurfaced and new, fresh tissue is revealed. You may notice redness and a tightening of the skin which will resolve within several days.
After a chemical peel, it is important to stay out of the sun for a week as the skin fully peels, and regularly wear sunscreen afterward. Your skin will be sensitive and can easily sunburn. Avoid strenuous activities that cause sweating for three to five days following treatment. Dr. Foster will provide post-procedural instructions regarding how to clean and moisturize your skin as it peels and heals.
Schedule Your Appointment
If you are ready for a fresher-looking appearance and more even skin tone, a chemical peel may be just the right treatment for you. Contact our plastic surgery practice to schedule your appointment with Dr. Foster today.